

The acronym ESG refers to the set of criteria in the environmental, social and governance (Environment, Social and Governance) areas of companies. Increasingly, consumers and investors look at these criteria before making decisions. Similarly, and given the urgency of the universal implementation of sustainability criteria to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), European regulations have been developing several directives, some of them mandatory, in order to accelerate the achievement of these goals.

At the beginning of the journey in Sustainability it is necessary to make a diagnosis to companies with regard to what they already do in this area and to determine in which areas they need to develop new strategies in order to contribute to the SDGs. In addition to the analysis of company information, this service includes a benchmarking and analysis of trends in the sector in terms of sustainability.

From the identification and auscultation of the main stakeholders of the company and the analysis of its value chain, it is possible to identify the main impacts that the company has on the environment and society and what impacts it can suffer in the opposite direction. This double materiality assessment is increasingly demanded by investors, responding to the requirements of the European CSRD directive, which also considers the risks and opportunities arising from climate change (TCFDs). The sectorial materiality themes of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) are also considered in the materiality analysis, such as alignment with the European Taxonomy and its DNSH (Do No Significant Harm).

After identifying the main material themes for the company, a sustainability strategy is defined that can be aligned with the sustainable development goals (SDGs) or with axes of action defined by the company. These objectives will also take into account existing directives that apply to the company, as well as other sectorial requirements. For each objective a quantitative or qualitative target is defined.

Once the objectives and targets to be achieved by the company in its sustainability strategy are defined, an action plan or roadmap for sustainability is drawn up, which includes the activities to be developed in a given period of time (2 to 4 years), its metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) for periodic monitoring of the achievement of the defined targets and who is responsible for the implementation of these actions. In parallel and to assist in the implementation of the Sustainability Roadmap, we also assist companies in the development of governance models for sustainability, stakeholder engagement plans, supplier policies and due diligence assessments along the value chain.

We help companies prepare their sustainability reports, based on the standards of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) of EFRAG and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). We also carry out the verification of third-party sustainability reports, following the AA1000 verification standard.

In addition, we develop communication projects for companies on sustainability.

Carbon and Circularity

Portugal approved in 2021 the Climate Law that aims to ensure that all policies contribute to the climate target of achieving carbon neutrality in Europe by 2050 and that all sectors of the economy and society play their part. This requires a reduction in GHG emissions of 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. The European Green Deal is committed not only in reducing GHG emissions, but also with circularity, which is directly related with resources preservation and GHG emissions reduction related to less production of new materials.

We perform GHG calculations and carbon footprint reports for companies using GHG Protocol tools and following ISO 14067/PAS 2050.

We perform life cycle analysis (LCA) of products and services, suggesting circularity solutions adapted to each product or service.

Ecosystem Services

All sectors of activity depend, directly or indirectly, on resources provided by ecosystems and impact the services they provide, contributing to their degradation or improvement. European regulation has made progress in this area, such as the recent approval of the Nature Restoration Law.

We calculate the value of companies’ Ecosystem Services, such as: carbon sequestration, water regulation and biodiversity conservation.

Support for Sustainability Certification

More and more sectors have their own sustainability certification program There are several national and international references, increasingly valued by the market and investors, such as in the wine and olive sector. In this area we have partners who can help companies apply for European funds to support the implementation of these processes.

We support and guide wine producers in meeting the criteria necessary to obtain the Alentejo Wines Sustainability Program (PSVA) certification promoted by the CVRA.

We support and guide wine producers in complying with the results for the indicators defined for obtaining the National Reference for Sustainability Certification of the Wine Sector (RNCSSV) promoted by ViniPortugal.

In the Hospitality and Wine Tourism sector there are several certifications in Sustainability (Biosphere, Greenkey, GSTC, etc.).

We support hotels, restaurants and event spaces in responding to the sustainability indicators required by these programs.